This is Us
The local team, transforming relocation to relaxation!
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Meet Our Team
At Maryland Relocation Inc., our team is a FAMILY and we pride ourselves on treating ALL our clients like they are part of our family as well.
Let’s meet the team.
Karen Randlett-Mock
Founder of Maryland Relocation Inc.
Karen is the founder of Maryland Relocation Inc. With over 30 years experience in all areas of property management and as a licensed Realtor for 25 years, she created this corporate relocation all star that stands apart from the rest. Karen began her career in property management in customer service as a receptionist – learning the skills that are the core of her business today. She progressed in the field and gained experience in leasing, leasing management, and property management. Karen served as Relocation Director for Berkshire Realty where she established and grew Maryland Apartment Relocation Center for Berkshire’s Cheryl Rozanski and Dolores Deel, whom she considers a mentor. After a successful five years, Berkshire Realty elected to withdraw from the corporate housing business, and in November 2001 Karen launched Maryland Relocation Inc.
In April 2015, Karen was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer. After an incredible battle, Karen went to be with the Lord on June 15, 2016. She defeated cancer in her final days by claiming joy over pain and suffering. For 15 years she acted as the President and owner of Maryland Relocation Inc, a company that has thrived through the second worst recession in history.
She trained a staff that has provided temporary homes for the Baltimore Orioles and Ravens, to those in the entertainment industry during filming, and to top professionals and VIPs. In times of disaster or illness, she has opened the doors to house those needing refuge or a safe haven during treatment at John Hopkins Hospital and University of Maryland, Shock Trauma. With a meticulous eye for detail, commitment to quality and customer service Karen has truly left her mark on the Corporate Housing World. In some of her final prayers she acknowledged her amazing team and had faith that in her passing they would ensure that her personal touches will live on.
Erika Randlett-Kauffman
President of Maryland Relocation Inc.

And live on they will.
I have my mom’s eyes, her smile and her drive to provide. My hands, my heart and my life’s work have always been in serving others. Inheriting Maryland Relocation and becoming its President has enabled me to honor my Mother by “KARE’N” on her legacy. I was born into this business and have helped out before I was even old enough to have a work permit. I’ve fielded leads, set ups units, scrubbed carpets and helped with marketing back when flyers went on cars and push pin boards were how you reached college students! I have edited emails from “Karenesse to professional English.
Erika has both a Bachelors and Master’s degree which with no coincidence has enabled her at times to use them to access grant programs to house displaced Maryland Residents. She was always being groomed for this position.
Erika’s experience in managing billion dollar budgets of cascading grant funds and fee for service programs in the mental health industry at University of Maryland Department of Psychiatry prepared Erika for the financial aspect of managing a company’s resources. She credits Mary Beth Gallico and her husband Neal with teaching me both Financial and Organizational Management. As Assistant Director at C2 Education Center in Perry Hall, MD, Erika learned the intricacies of running a small business under the direction of Director and Owner Paula Olhausen. It was Paula who helped her transition from the non-profit to for-profit business world.
“I am still on a learning curve, as after two years of being acting President, I still have so much to learn. Times and technology are evolving and it is my goal to not align with the trends but to set them. I will be “KARE’N on my Mom’s legacy,” as I lead my team to exceed the standards in the corporate world.”
Erika is married to Matthew Kauffman, a superintendent with Onicx Construction. They have 3 beautiful blonde haired beach babies and a dog named Rusty. They share the love for Maryland crabs, oysters and rockfish! If you need a restaurant recommendation for any kind of seafood in any area of Maryland we can direct you. Baltimore’s harbor and nearby rivers have a special place in their hearts.
Maryland Relocation Inc. has always been a family business. And the service continuity of Maryland Relocation Inc. must be accredited to the incredible and loyal staff, all local Baltimore residents.

Theresa Biglen
Theresa has been with Maryland Relocation Inc. since 2008. As a customer service and account representative, Theresa draws on her ten-plus years experience in customer service to meet clients’ needs and exceed their expectations. From cable and utilities to the special touch on a furniture package, Theresa ensures that clients feel welcome from before they even turn their key. Theresa goes above and beyond consistently to ensure the quality of communication with all the individuals involved in the securing of a home for every client. She and her husband Jim, live in Harford County and have raised 3 grown children and have several grandchildren too. Her servant heart is evident as she is often behind the scenes, finding solutions, if any problems arise.
Debbie Miller
Debbie supervises all phases of property management for Maryland Relocation Inc. to ensure effective operations and client satisfaction. She has been with Maryland Relocation Inc. since 2007 and brings over 30 years experience as a property and office manager. As Karen’s sister, and Erika’s godmother, Debbie has also stepped into the role of partial owner of this women owned company. Together with Erika, she is ensuring that Karen’s legacy is carried on through excellent resource management and attention to the details.
Debbie and her husband Doug live in Baltimore County. They have 4 daughters and 5 grandchildren, so far as their youngest daughter has just recently left home to pursue a nursing degree in Pennsylvania. Debbie can be found in the office more than there are hours in a work week but when she isn’t in the office she spends her time on the sports fields with the grandkids. Debbie is both the glue to her family and to this company!
Jim Biglen
Jim has been with Maryland Relocation since 2014. As a Corporate Housing Specialist and Accounts Manager, Jim brings over 10 years of customer service & managerial experience to meet clients needs, manage accounts and is working alongside President Erika to help MD Relo be competitive in offering both a unit and a service that exceeds the needs of the millennial traveler.
Jim is a valuable asset to the company and his local community. At this past Eastern Regional conference for Corporate Housing Providers Association, Jim enjoyed serving at the D.C. food bank sorting food among some of the industries finest CHPA members. He is extremely personable which you will find out in your first conversation with him. He works diligently to ensure that every client is comfortable with their home and overall experience. It is Jim who continues to broker relationships with various properties and companies to ensure our clients get the very best.
Jim also serves as a youth leader at Community Christian Church. He has a passion for connecting others. When he is not serving he is working out as he is committed to a lifestyle of health and fitness.
K. Adam Randlett
Adam, Karen’s son, has a long history of working with Maryland Relocation Inc. For years he served alongside his Mom in all aspects of the business. However, at this time he is the leading Project Manager with Superior Design and Restoration. Adam remains as a member of our team and serves as a partial owner of the company but leaves the daily decisions up to his big sister!
You may see Adam at this year’s upcoming CHPA Regional Meeting, as he is considering taking on a more active role as Maryland Relocation goes Beyond grows and expands.
Ready to relax and have a nice stay?
Please complete the form below or give us a call at 443-725-5674 and let us prepare a place for you.